Saturday, October 2, 2010

Breaking up with bread

About a year ago (345 days if you want to be picky), I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and was charged with eliminating gluten from my diet. Gluten is a protein that makes food tasty. Well, not exactly, but not being able to eat it presents a challenge in the "making foods that don't taste like cardboard and still taste somewhat like their glutenous counterparts" department. There have been a lot of tears and money wasted on products and recipes that remind me that eating gluten-free isn't always as easy and fulfilling. But, the bright side is that it can be. 

I can guarantee that I will still make foods that are inedible and that some days all I want to do is complain about the hand I've been dealt. Breaking up with bread (and donuts, and pasta, and cereal, and cake, and muffins...) kinda sucks. But, I will say it's made us a lot more creative and adventurous in the kitchen, and Terry and I have both deepened our love of cooking as a result.  

I'm learning to love food made the way I can eat it. It's definitely a long and winding road, but I'll get there. 

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